This is a truly wonderful documentary film by Simon Chambers Whilst filming away in India, Simon is called to return to look after his dying uncle. Looking after his eccentric gay actor uncle, filmmaker Simon is engulfed in a whirl of Shakespeare and clutter, as uncle David lends his credit card to neighbours, greets visitors in the nude and teaches Simon a profound lesson on dying happy.
This is an honest, intimate, heart warming and heart wrenching film as see without filter the truth of caring for the elderly and the reality of death and dying. Brilliantly shot and sensitively edited it is as tear jerking as it is funny, let’s face it love makes us cry. ‘Much ado About Dying’, captures humanity in it’s rawest state. Life can be cruel. Death is sad. Through this film, Simon and David’s journey show that death done right is beautiful.
Screening across the UK, Scotland and Ireland. Do go and see if you can.
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